My Favorite Movie

 My favorite movie I think it’s  Parasite, I like it because it is a movie with very unexpected stories, in also to being a suspense/drama movie. I enjoyed it more because I saw the movie in the cinema. This makes one concéntrate more an the sensation is more intense, in also the visual work in the filming of the scenes are perfect, very cute and professional.

Normally I like to watch cotidians movies, I’m not a very fanatic of science fiction and Super Heroes, I like to feel identified in the movies, like introducing myself in a told story that can be based on real facts. But Parasite leaves my comfort zone, because the movies of suspense have bad comentas because they little  content, but this had a lot of content that made it interesting, in addition to having black humor. That is why it had so much recognition and won an Oscar for the Best Film of the year 2020, also to other categories and awards.

The last movie I saw was Precious, I had seen it before and they were transmitting in television.


  1. Personally, I didn´t like the Parasite movie very much, I thinks the story became very heavy and surreal.
    On the other hand, I have not seen the movie Precious, do you recommend it ?

  2. I also liked 'Parasite', the look it gives to different aspects such as social classes is quite interesting, but I think it is very difficult for me to see.

  3. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  4. I love Parasite, I like the social meaning of the film. I even watched The Oscars, I really wanted them to win, and they made history in the awards of that racist industry. It's one of the best movies I've ever watched.

  5. I love the actors in it. They all have perfect performance. But I didn´t think it deserved an Oscar.

  6. Diego, Parasyte reads like a good movie, although I preferably avoid suspense and horror movies.
    About Precius, I like it, she lands you quite a bit in some unexpected but true realities, I hope you enjoyed it.


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